Wednesday, March 12, 2008

As we approach Great and Holy Week...

I have opened up comments for this post. I will most likely be away from the computer until after Easter, due to extra obligations at home, extra time at church, preparation for a family gathering, as well as just time to reflect on the Paschal Mystery.

So, please leave any prayer requests you have in the comments. I will have many opportunities to light candles, and ask for our heavenly friend's prayers. During Great and Holy week, it seems to me that time is diminished as a barrier to the mysteries of our Salvation, the mysteries of God's suffering and dying and conquering death. While yes, there are historical facts, they occur outside of time are real to us each time we attend a Divine Liturgy. But during this holy season, the veil between the material and the mystical seems much thinner.

For my Orthodox friends, who are just beginning the Great Fast, I pray for you a fruitful Lent and much peace and joy.

For my other friends who are in the last days of the fast, I pray for you perseverance to finish the fast, and all the joy and fruits of your fast will be abundantly showered upon you as we celebrate Christ conquering death.

Since God is outside of time, I know that, while we may be celebrating the fast and the Paschal feast on different days, we are joined in adoring and praising our Risen Lord by the branches that unite us to The Vine.

To all my other friends that may not follow Lent in their traditions, I wish you the most blessed and joyful Easter yet, and Christ's abundant blessings.


Blogger Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

a very blessed and spiritually profitable Holy Week to you and your family !

March 12, 2008  
Blogger Mimi said...

May it be a blessed and beautiful Holy Week! Hugs and love!

March 12, 2008  
Blogger ukok said...

I pray for you a much blessed Holy Week, my friend!

March 13, 2008  
Blogger the mother of this lot said...

Same from me. And my little Fixer has made you an award. Come over and collect it!

March 13, 2008  
Blogger Michelle said...

Pray for conversions of heart for us all.

March 14, 2008  
Blogger Kitchen Madonna said...

Beautiful post MPN. Thank you. Prayers for you and your beautiful family during this Holy Week.

March 17, 2008  

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