Saturday, September 30, 2006


Week #2 is up over at Mom, I'm Hungry, as well as commentary on the success of last week's menu. I welcome input, recipe suggestions, or requests.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Falling in Love

I went to a women's retreat sometime last year. Today I stumbled upon my notebook from that retreat while attempting to clean off my counter and table. While looking through my notes, I realized what a life-changing weekend that was for me.

It was at that retreat that I realized I had been keeping everyone I loved at arms' reach. This included God Himself. I was given the grace to see that my womanhood was being stiffled by my fear of really, truly falling in love. I remember when I came to that realization. It scared me silly because once I realize something, I am bound to take action. But I hadn't the foggiest idea what to do! I prayed, prayed, prayed, went home, tried to be more loving, and over a few weeks, forgot all about it.

But now I look back at my life and I see how much His grace has been working on me. I have made real, concrete steps in taking better care of myself (stopped smoking, started walking, planning time to pray and write icons, going to Diving Liturgy and receiving Our Lord in communion frequently, and so on). One thing stressed in the retreat was we are supposed to love our neighbor as ourselves. I was not loving myself much at all.

Anyway, I realize that since that retreat, I have been better at Loving God with my whole heart, my whole soul, and my whole mind. I have been better at loving myself, so now I am fully ready and willing to begin loving my neighbor as myself. I still have a ways to go, to be sure, but today it was made known to me that I am moving in the proper direction.

Just a few weeks ago, I was mulling over how I feel like it would be nice to fall in love. You know, the thrill, the rush, the excitement. I have been pondering this and what to do, when in my retreat notes, I came across something that was given to me. Don't ever tell me God doesn't listen to the secret desires of our hearts, because I could never believe you. Anyway, here it is:

Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than Falling in Love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything.

(Attributed to Pedro Arrupe, S.J.)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


My 4 year old son informed me about two very important things to understand if you are going to get along in this house.

1. "Too bad" means "no".
2. "I don't care" means "yes".

Who knew!

Monday, September 25, 2006


I was just looking around my desk for an idea of what to post. I have a small sliver of time, and wanted to use it. This is what I found.

"You have destroyed Death by Your Cross. You opened Paradise to the thief. The sorrow of the women You turned to joy. You commanded Your Apostles to proclaim to all: "Christ our God has arisen, granting Great Mercy to the world!"
(Troparion of the Resurrection)

Here's to a day filled with hope and blessings!

Saturday, September 23, 2006


My new menu blog. I didn't get more that one week done by today, but it's a start. My new blog is called Mom, I'm Hungry. Go on over to check it out, and see what you think. I will post the next week's menu as I create it. I may get more fancy and show what can be made ahead when, but the point wasn't to make MORE work for myself, so we'll see how excited I get about this.

As Eastern Catholics, we follow a Wednesday, Friday fast, with no meat or dairy. However, out family does a modified fast on Wednesday's outside of a Liturgical fast (for example the Dormition fast, Great Lent, Philip's fast, the Apostle's fast, and so on). We will eat some dairy. I hope to change this at some point and follow Wednesday's more strictly, but we are working into this, and at the advice of our spiritual director, we are doing as much as we can faithfully. Also, I haven't learned how to cook essencially vegan yet, but I am working on it.

So, there you go. I'll let you know when I update it. Blessings...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thanks, y'all, and isn't this lovely??

Gee, everyone, thanks for your input. I have simply been trying to spend my time wisely as it is such short supply. I find a great value in the blog world, and was wondering if I was off base. Apparantly not, and thanks for helping to clear that up!

So, another week begins, and we are off to a great start. No hives for me (yea), my instructional work with everyone is done for the day, now it's just motivational speaking that is left for me today. Well, that and laundry, but that goes without saying.

My next goal is to plan out 2-3 weeks of menues. I will make my deadline Friday afternoon, so if you all have any suggestions for simple, delicious, do-ahead crowd pleasers, please share. If you want, I'll share my finished product. Just let me know.

I have to give a shout out to my Gospel Bluegrass music. It is lifting my spirits something fierce. The Cox Family singers, The Isaacs, and Allison Krause. I can do my gorgeous 3 mile hike around the lake, and worship at the same time. All this after attending Divine Liturgy in the morning, and sandwiching in some school and laundry between. This afternoon I will begin instructing a friend in the blessing of iconography. She and I will be working on writing an icon of the Theotokos, while I continue to work on my Good Shepherd. I'll take some photos to share as we go. It doesn't get better than this, I say.

Last week the weather was positively gorgeous for my hikes. The blue, puffy clouds, the warm sun, the crisp air, the wild flowers and grasses in full bloom. I love living in the midwest. Love it. The photo is one my brother took, and he titled it "Midwest Mountains."

Blessings to you all!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Makes you go "Hmmm"

I came across this list today, called "How to Dissuade Yourself from Becoming a Blogger". It made me think. Here is an excerpt:

# 3 Write on a regular basis in a text editor instead. If that doesn't satisfy your urge, and you feel that you must post your blog online, then you might just be craving attention and validation--which you'll never truly find in a blog. If you give up on your Wordpad journal after about three days, you'll do the same with a blog that just takes up server space.
# 4 Ask yourself if you really have the time to commit to a blog. What about that treehouse you wanted to build? Or the book you wanted to write? Or the car you wanted to fix up? Or the restaurant you wanted to take your significant other to? Or the new career you wanted to pursue? Instead of writing about pretty much nothing, or whining about all the things you wish you were doing instead, start doing something that'd actually be worth writing about. And if it's really worth writing about, you'll be having too much fun doing it to tear yourself away from it.
Read the entire list here

I had to re-do my blog buddies list, because so many people have dropped out of sight
or gone inactive. Hmmm. I don't think I whine that much. Well, maybe I do.

I do know I have sought validation here, but at times, think I have found it. Or am I fooling myself? I do know this is a huge black hole into which great amounts of time disappear. But I feel as if I have true friends here. But then, one day the blog is gone *poof*, and really, bloggers don't owe each other anything. So is that friendship? I know I like blogging, and like reading blogs, but I am still trying to understand why.

So, what do you all think??

Yes, it really is crazy around here

As promised, a look into the life at crazyacres.

Our company left Sunday, after a delightful weekend. Having 9 extra people around went more smoothly than I had expected, but I still haven't gotten all the bedrooms back in order. And THAT is because school began Monday. I had the folders to compile, the books to pass out, the basics instruction to begin. The 4 year old and the 2 year old were at a loss as to why everyone was so busy. What about them? Can you spell TROUBLE? The 4 year old just interrupted constantly. Finally I gave him some paper and a pencil, and drew shapes for him to trace, and he was happy. The 2 year old? Can you spell TROUBLE? She was on a mission to get attention, and it wasn't the good kind.

After countless repitions of "What am I supposed to do, mom?" and me answering, "Just a minute, I am working with Such and so", I had had enough. I tucked the little two in bed, gave each of the older kids a stack of drill sheets, put lotion on the HIVES that developed throughout the morning, and went for a LONG hike. 5 miles later, the little ones were still sleeping, the big ones were beat into submission through 200 math facts, and I was tired and calmed down. Showered, changed, began dinner, and laundry, and after the little ones woke up, all the children were encouraged (forced) to go outside and play til dinner time.

I have been to Liturgy 4 times this week so far. Lord have mercy! I repeat that over and over at Liturgy, and when I am frayed and frazzled, I mean it with every fibre of my being. Lord, Have Mercy!

So, day 2 and 3 were much better, praise God, and after Liturgy this morning (Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross), I am on schedule, doing laundry (still) and on course for a great day. And, I went for another long walk yesterday, and will do so today. With out God and my hiking trails, I do believe this job of mine would do me in. Given the busyness of the week, I really need to get back to everyone before the calm breaks down into chaos. I have to take these little breaks when I can get them, and I feel blessed to have the opportunity to say "Hello" to you all, and wish you a blessed and peaceful day.

P.S. Alexa, are you still around? I can't find you? Anyone? Anyone?

Monday, September 11, 2006


I can't seem to comment on the beta blogs. What do I do to fix this? Do I have to have a beta blog, and then what happens to crazyacres. I don't want to move, but I want to be able to comment. I have been trying to comment on Alexa's, Lisa's, and a few others, and can't WHAT DO I DO NOW??

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Quickie

I have had very spotty internet service as well as very little free time, so the two have not coincided very often. I have been getting ready for school to begin, which is exciting and scary. I look at the schedules and think, "Good God, woman, what on earth were you thinking? You and WHAT ARMY will be running this school?" Many of my school books have arrived, despite my deep procrastination in ordering them. The folders are bought, the shelves are re-organized, the pencils have been sharpened; now its hold the breath and jump!

On a hopeful note, I have some accomplishments to report since I turned 40. The biggest is that I have not smoked since then. I was a "closet" smoker. I literally hid in the bushes. I had 2-3 a day. Probably not that unhealthy, really, but a burden, none-the-less. So, I decided, no more. Praise God, so far, no more, and no regrets.

I have been walking between 2-5 miles a day, sometimes as many as 7. I haven't weighed myself, but I feel better, stronger, less achey, and much calmer. But it is getting addicting. I get stressed, and MUST go on a walk. Maybe this has replaced the nicotine as a relaxant? Either way, I think I am healthier. One thing that has really made a difference in making walking more regular is my trusty iPod Nano. Love it.

I have also been going to church much more frequently. This has been unbelievably calming. It's my calm in the storm that is my life. I pray I can continue going frequently, even after school begins.

Anyway, that's my update. I have out of town guests coming for a few days, then school begins the next day, SO, I probably won't have much to report until after a few days of school are under my belt. I have some new acquaintances in the blogosphere I will be highlighting when I have time, as well as some really cool spiritual reflections from St. John of Kronstadt. Blessings to you all, dear readers, and even if I don't post, I will be checking in from time to time and comment on your comments. Until probably early next week, peace and blessings!