As promised, a look into the life at crazyacres.
Our company left Sunday, after a delightful weekend. Having 9 extra people around went more smoothly than I had expected, but I still haven't gotten all the bedrooms back in order. And THAT is because school began Monday. I had the folders to compile, the books to pass out, the basics instruction to begin. The 4 year old and the 2 year old were at a loss as to why everyone was so busy. What about them? Can you spell TROUBLE? The 4 year old just interrupted constantly. Finally I gave him some paper and a pencil, and drew shapes for him to trace, and he was happy. The 2 year old? Can you spell TROUBLE? She was on a mission to get attention, and it wasn't the good kind.
After countless repitions of "What am I supposed to do, mom?" and me answering, "Just a minute, I am working with Such and so", I had had enough. I tucked the little two in bed, gave each of the older kids a stack of drill sheets, put lotion on the HIVES that developed throughout the morning, and went for a LONG hike. 5 miles later, the little ones were still sleeping, the big ones were beat into submission through 200 math facts, and I was tired and calmed down. Showered, changed, began dinner, and laundry, and after the little ones woke up, all the children were encouraged (forced) to go outside and play til dinner time.
I have been to Liturgy 4 times this week so far. Lord have mercy! I repeat that over and over at Liturgy, and when I am frayed and frazzled, I mean it with every fibre of my being. Lord, Have Mercy!
So, day 2 and 3 were much better, praise God, and after Liturgy this morning (Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross), I am on schedule, doing laundry (still) and on course for a great day. And, I went for another long walk yesterday, and will do so today. With out God and my hiking trails, I do believe this job of mine would do me in. Given the busyness of the week, I really need to get back to everyone before the calm breaks down into chaos. I have to take these little breaks when I can get them, and I feel blessed to have the opportunity to say "Hello" to you all, and wish you a blessed and peaceful day.
P.S. Alexa, are you still around? I can't find you? Anyone? Anyone?