Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday reprieve

I had said before Lent began that I would have a post with comments on Sundays. So far, I have had no time to post anything substantive on Sunday's. I still don't have time to post anything substantive, but I am going to open comments anyway. I have a question for you all.

How is your Lent going? For those whose Lent hasn't begun (my Orthodox brothers and sisters), and for those whose traditions don't include Lent, what do you do to keep your spiritual disciplines going? How do you stay committed to "keep on keeping on?"

For me, it is very telling that I am having no problem fasting this year, a little more sadness, grieving and gnashing of teeth over the lack of humor in a bottle, and the comments thing, well, I am adjusting, but I miss you all.

The big kicker, though, is the absolute struggle I am having with prayer. It has been more difficult for me to pray than it was before Lent began. I am stymied. When I do make time for my prayers, it is like holding my breath. I say it quickly and feel an anxiousness to get it over with. What ever. Obviously I need more Lent, and I'll get it. We are only about 1/3 through, I think.

Anyway, make hay while the sun shines, for comments will be open for this post, and this post only!!


photo from the ceiling of my church


Blogger Hope said...

I gave up the internet for Lent ('cept Sundays). I blew it twice this week. Not being online has been really showing me how I avoid living life on life's terms by escaping online.

This is the first Lent (not that I've experienced that many) I've been able to look at myself with compassion for being human rather than beating myself up for not being perfect.

My youngest son (20 years old) looked at me in horror when I told him I'd broken my Lenten fast. I promised him I'd stick with it the rest of Lent. I had to wonder afterwards why I find it much easier to keep because I promised him instead of keeping my word to God.

Thank God for Sundays!! :)

February 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's going fine so far, Renee!

Just thought I'd say hello while I could!

February 17, 2008  
Blogger Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

February 17, 2008  
Blogger Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...

Hi Renee,

My Lent has been anything but dull. I was thinking that you might know of some local (Fox Valley area) Catholic Homeschool groups? If so, please email me at patjrsmom at yahoo dot com. I'd love to know what's out there...

God Bless,

February 17, 2008  
Blogger Mimi said...

Wheeeee! I can comment! I am terrible at remembering to email!

We just started the PreLenten Sundays - it is coming up for us!

I'm glad to hear it is going well for you, hugs.

February 17, 2008  
Blogger bball said...

Lent is going pretty well for me so far. I've given up beer :-( cookies and cake, and am trying to eat less between meals. I'm doing the liturgy of the hours, and reading the Canon of St. Andrew. I do best with morning prayer, then I go to daily Mass at noon as my daytime prayer, and read the Canon readings somewhere between Mass and dinner, depending when I can fit it in. I've not been doing as well with evening prayer. I seem to forget until I'm really tired. Unlike you, I'm more of a morning person. My husband and I have been praying morning prayer and doing intercessory prayer together each morning, which has been really nice. I am not giving up as much as I usually do, and am trying to do more in the way of prayer and working on relationships. I usually try to give up alcohol, chocolate, tv, and radio, as well as fasting on Fridays and or Wednesdays, and I end up cranky and feeling like a failure when I end up cheating. This time I'm just trying to pray more, give up a few things, and give time and energy to my relationships. Keep up the good work you are doing - prayer doesn't always feel fruitful, but we just have to keep on doing it! See you on Thurs.!

February 17, 2008  
Blogger Anna B. said...

Beautiful Icon...

This Lent I have given up alcohol, I have not slipped yet. Fasting is tough because I am a grazer, 6 small meals a day. I also need to make my praying/meditation more meaningful. Meaning, stay focused, I need to shut out the noise and just listen to what God is trying to say to me.

February 17, 2008  
Blogger the mother of this lot said...

I'm doing OK up to now. I'm saying the morning and night prayers of the Divine Office, which are lovely. No chocolate, (I've not really missed it yet, but ask me again in another four weeks!), Friday fasting and Stations of the Cross on Sunday evenings.

Have a good week!

February 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*Hugs-a-bunch* :o)

February 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Renee. I must say I really admire you for sticking to the fast. I don't think I could that. For Lent this year I've given up buying my Coke Zero and chocolate, plus we are trying once again to do a family rosary every night. But I'm also having surgery on my deviated septum. I'm trying to get it done before I get preggers again! :) Oh, yeah, and I'm adjusting to the whole ten kids thing.:)

February 18, 2008  
Blogger Ginger said...

Just a note to say... Gorgeous ceiling! I would lose track of the service, with that above me to look at! :)

February 18, 2008  
Blogger rita said...

my lent is going okay. I have some really refreshing moments of clarity, and than, more often quick on it's heals, moments of deep frustration. all prayer-life related.
I received your gift. OH MY GRACIOUS!!! IT's GORGEOUS. I framed it and right now, it is above my kitchen sink (since, you know, I spend LOTS of time there!). THANK YOU. (I was secretly hoping you would send me one of your icons.)

February 21, 2008  
Blogger Laura The Crazy Mama said...

I liked your comment "with ONE push!". I hope it comes true! Thanks so much for visiting my blog, I haven't seen yours in a while. I love your icons!

February 22, 2008  
Blogger Simple Faith and Life said...


I tagged you for the Middle Name Meme, if you are interested in participating...on Sunday, of course. :) Or after Lent? :)

Margaret Mary

February 26, 2008  

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