Monday, February 13, 2006

The doors, the doors

Hector asked a question regarding the Creed posting below, saying, "Why does the Deacon say, 'The doors, the doors, let us attend with wisdom.'?"

I will answer this with a quote from "Celebration: Reflections on the Divine and Holy Liturgy" by Archbishop Joseph Raya(+).

" The diversiity of race, nationality, language and social class, all men, women and children are created anew by the presence of God-Trinity among them. Upon every one, the Trinity imposes a divine form, a unique and indestructible nature beyond any difference or distinction. Within the Trinity's embrace, no one is ever an outsider. To make sure that our hearts and minds are ready to recognize the mystery God is revealing, the mystery of His very special presence and the wondrous acts of His love, the minister celebrant warns and proclaims,

-The doors, the doors!
Let us be watchful and wise.

In the olden days, they used to close the doors of the church and set guards around it so the those who are not of the faith, the catechumens and visitors, would not hear about it and be scandalized. Today, anybody can hear it or read about it. no use then to bolt the church's doors in the face of anyone. The conclusion some priest celebrants (or Bishops) do not say it anymore. They are wrong. No one in particular has the right to change anything in the liturgy. Besides, this warning is more necessary today than ever before. We have more doors to protect than ever before. This warning is necessary because the precious special presence of God and the intimacy of our relationship with Him are to be protected to flower and be meaningful. We have more doors in ourselves to guard than ever in the history of humanity. Our eyes, our ears, our mind and our heart need protection and watchful guards."

In the Western Church, there was the "Mass of the Catechumens", and all the unbaptized would be escorted out before the "Mysteries", the canon, consecration, and communion. In both rites, these have ceased to have the same function, but play an important role in modern worship none-the-less.

Thanks for your interest, Hector, and please, keep the questions coming. I am learning quite a bit!


Blogger see-through faith said...

I'm learning too . and I love it

and happy friends' day (as we call 14.2 here in Finland)

February 14, 2006  

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