Monday, March 05, 2007

Getting there

We have had some sunshine the last two days, and add that to all your nice expressions of gratitude, I am feeling better. Thank you all for your input.

So, in order to lighten the mood around here, I am letting the kids use the face paint. I can not believe how happy it makes kids to paint their faces and pretend to be pirates or Indians or princesses. The older kids get a kick out of the younger ones, and the atmosphere of the entire house is elevated.

About the comments. I will turn them on from time to time during Lent, like I did on the last post. And again, I thank you all for your responses.

And, I resolve to update my sidebar this week. I have lots of new friends to add, and a few have moved and need updating. I'll let you all know with my "Housekeeping" title when I get that done.

Alright, off to do the day. Toodles.



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