Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More Baby

This is a photo I took with my cell phone the morning after Melanie was born. I can not believe she is a week old (or will be at 10:15 tonight) already. What week it has been. So many loving visitors, so much care and concern shown to us, so much love! We have had a slow start on the nursing, which is a little frustrating and painful, but I see daily progress so I have hope. I am still quite swollen in my hands and ankles, more so than I was during pregnancy. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can help to make the swelling go down? I have been drinking lots of water, but it doesn't seem to make much difference.

Anyway, I think she is fabulously cute, and I have been enjoying her tremendously. My kids came home from Grammy and Papa's last night, so my house is full again, and it feels much more normal around here. I actually have only held her long enough to feed her this morning. She has been in the arms of her siblings the rest of the day. So there is a quick update. I'll add more when I can!


Blogger Hope said...

She is absolutely beautiful.
Have you tried lemon or cider vinegar in your water? The cider vinegar isn't the most pleasant but it might help.

March 24, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an absolute angel! I'm glad we can see her hair in this one.

Spinach and grapefruits are natural diuretics, maybe that will help.



March 24, 2009  
Blogger ukok said...

what a little sweetie. I won't tire of seeing photos of your little cutie so post to your hearts content, as time allows , of course :-)

March 24, 2009  
Blogger Mother Mayhem said...

SO sweet! I think I smell baby! :o)

March 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is indeed fabulously cute! Like Barb said, I'm glad we can see her hair in this one. I'm hoping I'll be able to meet her in May. I want to attend Paul's graduation and see all you!

March 25, 2009  
Blogger Michelle said...

How sweet! She is gorgeous! I don't have any advice on the swelling but I hope you feel better soon!

March 25, 2009  

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