Tuesday, February 16, 2010
About Me
- Name: Renee
I am trying to live in an authentic manner, in charity, and with an open hand. Wife, mom, artist, Eastern Catholic, wanting to shed the clutter!

Previous Posts
- The Great Journey Begins
- Promise
- Wow
- Moments of Grace
- The saga continues.
- Hope
- Is it too late for Christmas pictures?
- Progress
- Stuff

Prayer to the Holy Spirit
O Heavenly King, Consoler, Spirit of Truth, Who art in all places, and fillest all things. Treasury of Goodness and Giver of Life, come and take up Thine abode amongst us. And cleanse us of every stain, and save our souls, O Good One.
Isn't she gorgeous !
Your food looks lovely , and I also need to de-clutter my home.
I just *hate* parting with books.
Clothes and bric a brac I will happily discard, but books ? Shiver.
I've been decluttering too. It feels so much better. Honest to goodness, I didn't realize I was such a pack rat. I am though! So, this is a good thing.
Your little one is so growing and so cute!
Parting with books is difficult for me too, but I managed to do it.
Since I am basically through homeschooling, I was so happy to share all of our curriculum with a lady who really needed it. Just in time, she could not afford it and we were able to help. It felt so right and they are a great family. So, as hard as it is, at least I didn't have to figure out the better thing to do for long!
Good to visit your blog..its been awhile on my catching up on reading of the blogs.
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