Christmas Wrap-up
So, here we are, the wonderful week of repose between Christmas and New Year's Day. The house has been moderately picked up numerous times. We have had scrumptious food, visits to both sides of the family, with accompanying feasts and gifts, and our own celebrations at home.
I tried hard to follow the "slow Advent" I had been reading about at Melanie's blog. We identified the activities we most wanted to do, did those, and eliminated the rest. Consequently we did make a gingerbread house, then ate it, we did have an Advent wreath, and a Jesse Tree (which we actually finished!), we did bake sugar cookies (thanks to visiting relatives), and I did make cinnamon rolls. We did make paper snowflakes, and I did not do Christmas cards. We did go to Royal Hours on Christmas Eve, followed by confession. We did get a photo of all the kids, we did keep gift giving simple, while still having the kids do a secret Santa. We did get a real tree, for the first time in 13 years. We did not get out all of our decorating, just a bit each day until it seemed lovely. I did do my St. Nicholas mantle. And we are having our New Year's Eve party.
Sounds full, but we eliminated a lot of unnecessary stress. And I did enjoy Advent and Christmas this year, although I fought the nagging feeling of it not being "enough". Not enough glitter and spice, not enough "dream presents", not enough festivity. But then, I remembered that those things are imaginary, made up images. The reality of Advent and Christmas we realized in our home, with only a few moments of despair. Mostly, content anticipation. Lovely!

All of them. The best of the lot of 10 I took. The series is pretty funny, maybe I'll share it some day.

Her Royal Highness, after a haircut courtesy of her 10 year old sister.

Melanie's Stocking
Our little, lovely Christmas Tree, with presents. See? Not much for 8 children, but it was enough.

Sleepy baby Christmas morning. With daddy.
I tried hard to follow the "slow Advent" I had been reading about at Melanie's blog. We identified the activities we most wanted to do, did those, and eliminated the rest. Consequently we did make a gingerbread house, then ate it, we did have an Advent wreath, and a Jesse Tree (which we actually finished!), we did bake sugar cookies (thanks to visiting relatives), and I did make cinnamon rolls. We did make paper snowflakes, and I did not do Christmas cards. We did go to Royal Hours on Christmas Eve, followed by confession. We did get a photo of all the kids, we did keep gift giving simple, while still having the kids do a secret Santa. We did get a real tree, for the first time in 13 years. We did not get out all of our decorating, just a bit each day until it seemed lovely. I did do my St. Nicholas mantle. And we are having our New Year's Eve party.
Sounds full, but we eliminated a lot of unnecessary stress. And I did enjoy Advent and Christmas this year, although I fought the nagging feeling of it not being "enough". Not enough glitter and spice, not enough "dream presents", not enough festivity. But then, I remembered that those things are imaginary, made up images. The reality of Advent and Christmas we realized in our home, with only a few moments of despair. Mostly, content anticipation. Lovely!
All of them. The best of the lot of 10 I took. The series is pretty funny, maybe I'll share it some day.
Her Royal Highness, after a haircut courtesy of her 10 year old sister.
Melanie's Stocking
Our little, lovely Christmas Tree, with presents. See? Not much for 8 children, but it was enough.
Sleepy baby Christmas morning. With daddy.