What a couple of weeks THIS has been!!

This has been a busy, productive, exhausting, exhilerating, and interesting last two weeks.
I am off to the icon workshop today to varnish my finally finished icon. I will post a photo of it when I get back. Then tomorrow it will be blessed.
During this workshop I was balancing the normal work of running the home, teaching the kids, hosting two successive house guests (who where also taking the icon workshop), having a weekend thrift-store shopping spree (My entire spring wardrobe for $35. Can't beat that!) with my sister-in-law, and so on.
My first grade son is making terrific progress in reading, after a slow start. I just had to spend more time with him every day. Every day. Even weekends. One day off and he back-slides. God gifted us with a free offer of tutoring by a 9th grade neighbor in need of service hours. What a gift. One hour a week really helps. So, he is doing well.
My three year old son is FINALLY POOPING ON THE POTTY!! He is my sixth child, and you would think I would have this potty training thing down. But he was a hard egg to crack. But, one day, out of the blue, he just did it. And he is so proud. He tells anyone who gives him even 2 seconds of their time. For instance, at church a lady there says, "Hi sweetie, how are you". He replies, "I pooped on the potty." You get the idea.
Most my laundry is washed, dried, folded, sorted, but still sitting around in piles. If I don't get is put away today, somehow it will all end up back in the wash by Tuesday.
Lenten meal preparation has been going along. Lots of fruit and veggies and legumes. And soy milk. And trail mix. We are trying to emphasis fasting as a gift of love, not a strict law. My kids tend to get really legalistic, and I want the SPIRIT to soak in, not just the rules.
My "Mrs. Happy" committments have slipped somewhat. By Monday I should get back on track, as nothing else disruptive should be going on (yeah, right).
7th grade son just finished his report on Archimedes. He did a really good job on it. One of my favorite quotes is this, "Slaves were the second class heroes of science." He was explaining why the Ancient Greeks had so much time to learn and discuss, discover and explain. The slaves did most of the work. I thought my son's explaination was so poetic. But then I am a little biased.
The older 2 girls were so much help!!! They kept up with school, worked with the little kids, baked muffins, made lunch, and kept up with the laundry. I was so Impressed. The older three kids had a lot of responsibility this past couple weeks, and they really rose to the occasion!!
The little two girls seemed to miss me the most diuring all my comings and goings. But they almost always climbed into bed with me in the morning, and we had some nice quiet time together. There isn't anything better than giving a one year old a smooch and having her whisper in a sleepy voice. "Thankyou, mommy."
So, that's the wrap up. I met some very interesting people at the workshop. I hope to go into more detail later, but for now, Off to varnish!!
Renee, you are one busy momma!
I love it how your family pulled together with the homework help .
God Bless
Happy varnishing! *Chuckle*
It sounds like you've been busy, but in a happy and good way!
I can't wait to see the finished icon.
what a whirlwind life you have....whew!
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