On a more practical note...

I have been trying to reduce the amount of high fructose corn syrup in our diet. It isn't as easy as I thought it would be. One of the problem areas was yogurt. My kids love it, but even the "healthy" brand have HFCS in it. And if a brand doesn't, it is prohibitively expensive. So, today I had a brainstorm that seems to work quite well. I bought plain yogurt and then flavored syrups in the coffee aisle. The flavored syrups are made with sugar and natural flavors and just a splash added to a bowl of yogurt makes it tasty. The syrup is the same stuff used for Italian ice, I think. It seems to have solved my yogurt dilemma!
After noticing the HFCS on the go-gurt label, I've only been buying the Trader Joe's organic yogurt & the Stonyfield Farms yo-squeezers. Grace and I LOVE yogurt! However, you have 4x as many yogurt eaters at your house, so I'm sure it adds up. Good thinking w/ the flavored syrups! I'll have to remember that when our brood really expands!
I keep reading how good yogurt would be for me but the only way I can eat it is Greek yogurt with honey... there again I might visit the coffee aisle now that you've given me the idea. Some of the additives in the regular flavoured kinds are just scary.
Good for you! We put jam in plain yogurt. Same idea.
Dry pudding mix is another add-in to plain yogurt if your kids like vanilla or chocolate flavors.
I've had the same problem! Only my issue is bread. BREAD!!
I did have the problem with jelly, but then I discovered Smuckers, low sugar. No HFCS, only sugar, and not too much.
Great thinking! :o)
I hate to reveal my ignorance but why is sugar preferable to high fructose corn syrup?
I'm with Rosemary; what's the difference between the two kinds of sugar?
Yum yum. I've come across the same thing but a friend bought me a yogurt maker for $5 at a thrift store. A friend sent me the instructions and I'm going to make it with dried milk. Unless I find out that has something bad in it.
HFCS seems to have a higher glycemic index than just plain sugar - it is digested faster and causes more fluctuations in your blood glucose and insulin levels. Also it is sweeter tasting (probably because it is more soluble), and hence, more addictive.
I used to make yoghurt all the time. It is really easy to do, but my husband is very fond of the Greek yoghurt from Trader Joes and the plain full fat yoghurt from Stonyfield Farms. he puts it on granola.
Sugar, or sucrose, consists of equal parts glucose and fructose. HFCS can contain 2x as much fructose as glucose. Glucose can be metabolized by all cells, whereas fructose is metabolized by the liver. High quantities of fructose put a strain on the liver. There are also a number of other dangers of consuming HFCS, as can be found in the following article:
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