SO, now I am getting ready for school. I don't write much about home schooling. As I have said in the past, it is the best thing I have ever hated to do.
This year, I have K, 1st, 3rd, 4th/5th, 8th, 9th, and 11th.
7 students + infant+ homemaking+ driving everyone everywhere+ shopping, cooking, cleaning = a mom with heart palpitations.
In order to stop the heart palpitations, I had a glass (or two) of wine (or whine, depending upon how you look at it), and then ordered all the books I need for the bottom 5 children. I resisted the urge to change programs. I resisted the urge to try something new. I just stuck with what I know, what works, and got 'er done.
Now, for the high schoolers, I am in the process of learning. Freshman girl will probably do Seton. Junior boy is not returning to the boarding school (it was awesome, but is pricey, and he really missed home). So he is enrolled at the local community college, and will supplement with Seton. I actually hate Seton, but it works. Rubs me wrong in every way, but we get it done, they learn, they get good grades, and they have a transcript, so there you go.
I have been homeschooling for 11 years. I hate it. But it works. My other options for the kids,educationally speaking, make me just as anxious as the thought of still homeschooling, only then they are out of my hands, and I am subject to other's authority. So I home school, and someday, I'll look back on all this precious time with my kids, and be glad and rejoice. Until then, I home school, o how I home school (sounds like the matchmaker in Fiddler on the Roof), and carry on.
So, how is the rest of your summer?
I've already filled the bookcase with next school year's goodies. LOVE the smell of new curricula! :o)
We're looking in to it -- what, do you mind if I ask, don't you like about Seton?
Well, Seton is very structured (which I need) but contains lots of busy work and basically tries to reproduce a classroom at home. I would never do it for elementary school, and haven't with Jr. High, but by high school I find in order to get all the work done on a daily basis, structure is absolutely needed. Basically, I am more of a "Free Spirit" type, so must submit myself to the program when the Free Spirit isn't enough. In my state, we don't need to do reports or testing, but for Seton you do. I found, though, for the teens, the accountability was good. And honestly, it was good for me, as well.
I still don't like it, though =)
At least you are not preggers this year! ;)
Thanks for your input on Seton.
Seton rubs me the wrong way, too. If k12 doesn't end up working for us, we'll do Kolbe.
It'll be nice to have your oldest around again!
I looked at Kolbe's web site, and couldn't find the curriculum list. Lots of books, and theory, and philosophy, but I wanted a class list, daily curriculum, and I couldn't find it. I am already up to my eyeballs in theory and philosophy. I want lesson plans!!
yeah, for HS they only do weekly course plans. i don't know if you checked those out.
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