Monday, June 29, 2009


Has anyone ever heard of the book "Mr. Blue"? I just picked it up at the thrift store and had a vague remembrance of this as a good out of print book to buy. Maybe I'll give it a go.

I am currently reading, "That Hideous Strength" by C.S. Lewis. I am only in the first 50 pages, but I am already getting a little creeped out (in a good way, by that I mean, it is a good read).

Anyone else reading anything good?


Anonymous Patricia said...

I am reading "The Song at the Scaffold" by Gertrude von Le Fort (about the Carmelite martyrs of Compiegne) & it is wonderful!!

I have been wanting to read the C.S. Lewis book you mentioned -- I've really enjoyed his other works: The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, The Abolition of Man, Til We Have Faces (&, of course, the Chronicles of Narnia!).

June 30, 2009  
Blogger Melanie Bettinelli said...

I picked up a copy of Mr Blue last year after having read some very positive reviews. It was a good book; but I have to confess it wasn't exactly my cup of tea. I can see why people would appreciate it, but it didn't speak to me in the same way that Chesterton's fiction doesn't really grab me. (Though I love his non-fiction.)

I love That Hideous Strength, though my favorite in Lewis' space trilogy is Perelandra.

I started reading The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford yesterday at the OB's office. I picked it up because I really liked Ron Hansen's Exiles and Atticus. This is an interesting book, though I'm not a huge fan of the subject matter, the story is well-told and I found myself very glad for the diversion while hooked up to fetal monitors for almost two hours at the hospital.

June 30, 2009  
Blogger owenswain said...

Recently read:
by Graham Greene - The Power and The Glory; The End of the Affair; The Heart of the Matter

Currently reading:
St. Augustine - Confession
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
Uwem Akpan - Say You're One of Them

On the shelf waiting
William Styron - Sophie's Choice

I also have some art books on the go.

June 30, 2009  
Blogger Mimi said...

I've not read either of those, blush.

June 30, 2009  
Anonymous MamaT said...

I'm with Melanie on this one. I liked Mr. Blue, and found a lot to think about in it. (We read it in my book club, the year we read through the Loyola Classics.)

I kept it on my "spiritual reading" shelf, rather than my fiction/novels shelf. I think that was the thing. The ideas held together for me, but not the story.

Does that make sense?

Currently reading? A frustrating book called Not Buying It. It's an account of a woman's attempt to buy nothing but necessities for a year. But she is so politically to the left of me that it makes me want to bang my head against a wall.

Therefore, unless you really need to bang your head against a wall, I don't recommend it.

July 01, 2009  
Blogger Melanie Bettinelli said...

Thanks, Mama T, that's it exactly. Good ideas but not a great story. I like the idea of keeping it on the spiritual reading shelf, that categorization makes more sense. Think I might have got more out of it reading it with a group too rather than on my own.

July 01, 2009  
Blogger Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

Mr. Blue was an interesting book but it didn't really GRAB me.

I read Not Buying It and it drove me up a wall. I had to read it to the end, though.

Just finished Still Alice and WOW, that was a phenomenal (but heartbreaking) book. Don't miss it. Author is Lisa Genova.

July 01, 2009  
Blogger Karl said...

Read _I am Charlotte Simmons_ recently. It's good and absolutely frightening, a funny/scary depiction of college life. I picked it up from a discount shelf and read straight through it. Rated R, though.

_A Damsel in Distress_, by Wodehouse. Good fun, eminently predictable, but very fun. Go read all of Wodehouse right now. Much is available for free on

Hope all is well with you and yours,


July 03, 2009  
Blogger Mother Mayhem said...

I'm reading. Just nothing that has really grabbed me enough to want to pass it on. ;o)

July 04, 2009  

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