My Very First Daybook
I have never done a "Daybook" entry, but always enjoy reading them, so I thought I would give it a go, based on the topics at Elizabeth's In the Heart of my Home. She is my first stop every morning, by the way.
Outside my Back Door:

Sunny, cool breeze, birds chirping away. Still haven't heard my wrens, but lots of other birds are quite active.
I am listening to:
The washing machine spinning, and a 5 year old practicing her "100 EZ Lessons".
I am Pondering:
How to calm my thoughts so I can be effective instead of swirling around like a whirling dervish.
(baby just learning how to walk. I love her little hand, trying to keep balance)
I am Thinking:
about everywhere I look, I need to decrease the accumulation of "stuff" by about half. And about how I would then have so much more time for my garden, my icons, and my kids, and my husband.
I am creating:
a nature journal with my elementary age learning co-op. And icons, and a more peaceful space.

On my iPod:
Deb Talen, Hem, The Wailin' Jenny's, Cowboy Junkies, Gypsy Soul and Ingrid Michealson. Deb Talen's "Big Strong Girl" is one of my favorite songs.
Towards a Real Education:
I love student led interest, but if I am not careful, I loose my focus. So I depend on a few workbooks to keep us moving, but leave lots of latitude for rabbit trails.

Towards Rhythm and Beauty:
It has been nearly two years of me at decreased capacity (pregnancy and Melanie's first year). Parts of this are very familiar to me, as I have struggled with foggy thinking after each baby. This time was no different, but a lot less distressing, and more sweet. However, things have swirled a little out of balance my home. This time of fuzziness is clearing, I can feel it, so I see I can pull things together better now. But boy do I have to dig out of a few things that have piled up!
To Live the Liturgy:
I have not been able to go to daily Divine Liturgy as often since Melanie was born, and I feel the lack of connection. I will get my "Byzantine Daily Worship" next to my bed and try to re-connect.

I am Hoping and Praying:
Oh, my, where to begin. That my decision to put my older kids in the local Catholic High School and not home school them is going to work well. I am so at peace about it I almost feel as if I am fooling myself.
In The Garden:
We have been enjoying the re-birth around here. And pulling garlic mustard by the bagful. Evil, evil stuff. We are planting seedlings today for the herb and veggie garden, and have about three weeks until I can really dig in and start dividing and moving plants around like I want.

Around the House:
I want to cook more, create more, enjoy more. But first I have to continue with my purging so I can have more freedom of mind and motion. My Lenten commitment of 40 bags in 40 days hasn't stopped. Still doing a bag a day, and could do much more if I had more time.

What I'm Reading:
Outsmarting the Midlife Fat Cell by Debra Waterhouse, Catherine of Siena by Sigrid Undset, and Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne and Lisa Ross. I am thoroughly enjoying them all. I just don't have enough time to read, but snatch a page or two whenever I can.

On Keeping Home:
Going back to the routines established when I was pregnant and mothering an infant. We had a smooth, evenly divided schedule then that has gotten a little wobbly. But I have managed to keep on top of the laundry, and am now reclaiming the kitchen. I see a better rhythm around here shortly.
One of my Favorite Things:
Being alone. It never happens, so I enjoy other lovely things, like watching my children, reading books, and thinking quiet thoughts. I have always liked being alone, and I am afraid by the time I get used to the hubbub around here, they will all be grown, and then I'll hate being alone.
Melanie this week:
She isn't crawling at all anymore. Walking everywhere, and loving to explore outside. She is also eating a whole lot more, and is finally feeling better after having a wicked cough for a few weeks.
She makes the cutest babbling sounds, and is interested in everything she sees. She also likes to climb, which keeps me on my toes.
She's already walking away from me. It starts so early!
A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week:
I cleaned out the younger boys room yesterday, and will do the middle girls room today. Tomorrow the room shared by the 15 year old and 5 year old daughters, then Thursday I am going to organize my icon studio, as I will be starting up my workshop again soon. Friday I will Work out in the yard, weather permitting. Saturday I will work in the garage to pare down our bikes and car seats. We have way too many of both, they are very old and not in good shape. Time for the trash.
Picture Thought:
My eldest and youngest daughters. Also, Godmother and Goddaughter.
Outside my Back Door:
Sunny, cool breeze, birds chirping away. Still haven't heard my wrens, but lots of other birds are quite active.
I am listening to:
The washing machine spinning, and a 5 year old practicing her "100 EZ Lessons".
I am Pondering:
How to calm my thoughts so I can be effective instead of swirling around like a whirling dervish.
I am Thinking:
about everywhere I look, I need to decrease the accumulation of "stuff" by about half. And about how I would then have so much more time for my garden, my icons, and my kids, and my husband.
a nature journal with my elementary age learning co-op. And icons, and a more peaceful space.
On my iPod:
Deb Talen, Hem, The Wailin' Jenny's, Cowboy Junkies, Gypsy Soul and Ingrid Michealson. Deb Talen's "Big Strong Girl" is one of my favorite songs.
Towards a Real Education:
I love student led interest, but if I am not careful, I loose my focus. So I depend on a few workbooks to keep us moving, but leave lots of latitude for rabbit trails.
Towards Rhythm and Beauty:
It has been nearly two years of me at decreased capacity (pregnancy and Melanie's first year). Parts of this are very familiar to me, as I have struggled with foggy thinking after each baby. This time was no different, but a lot less distressing, and more sweet. However, things have swirled a little out of balance my home. This time of fuzziness is clearing, I can feel it, so I see I can pull things together better now. But boy do I have to dig out of a few things that have piled up!
To Live the Liturgy:
I have not been able to go to daily Divine Liturgy as often since Melanie was born, and I feel the lack of connection. I will get my "Byzantine Daily Worship" next to my bed and try to re-connect.

I am Hoping and Praying:
Oh, my, where to begin. That my decision to put my older kids in the local Catholic High School and not home school them is going to work well. I am so at peace about it I almost feel as if I am fooling myself.
In The Garden:
We have been enjoying the re-birth around here. And pulling garlic mustard by the bagful. Evil, evil stuff. We are planting seedlings today for the herb and veggie garden, and have about three weeks until I can really dig in and start dividing and moving plants around like I want.
Around the House:
I want to cook more, create more, enjoy more. But first I have to continue with my purging so I can have more freedom of mind and motion. My Lenten commitment of 40 bags in 40 days hasn't stopped. Still doing a bag a day, and could do much more if I had more time.
What I'm Reading:
Outsmarting the Midlife Fat Cell by Debra Waterhouse, Catherine of Siena by Sigrid Undset, and Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne and Lisa Ross. I am thoroughly enjoying them all. I just don't have enough time to read, but snatch a page or two whenever I can.
On Keeping Home:
Going back to the routines established when I was pregnant and mothering an infant. We had a smooth, evenly divided schedule then that has gotten a little wobbly. But I have managed to keep on top of the laundry, and am now reclaiming the kitchen. I see a better rhythm around here shortly.
One of my Favorite Things:
Being alone. It never happens, so I enjoy other lovely things, like watching my children, reading books, and thinking quiet thoughts. I have always liked being alone, and I am afraid by the time I get used to the hubbub around here, they will all be grown, and then I'll hate being alone.
Melanie this week:
She isn't crawling at all anymore. Walking everywhere, and loving to explore outside. She is also eating a whole lot more, and is finally feeling better after having a wicked cough for a few weeks.
She makes the cutest babbling sounds, and is interested in everything she sees. She also likes to climb, which keeps me on my toes.
A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week:
I cleaned out the younger boys room yesterday, and will do the middle girls room today. Tomorrow the room shared by the 15 year old and 5 year old daughters, then Thursday I am going to organize my icon studio, as I will be starting up my workshop again soon. Friday I will Work out in the yard, weather permitting. Saturday I will work in the garage to pare down our bikes and car seats. We have way too many of both, they are very old and not in good shape. Time for the trash.

I LOVE the photo of your littlest with her had to steady herself.
I've not heard of that Sigrid Undset book, off to look it up
Very nice job for your first day book!
Hi! ♥
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