Oh Happy Day!

We have had a whirlwind around here. In our extended family and friends, we have had birthdays, a death, a birth, Holy Week, illness, and Feast Day and party preparations. I wanted so much to make the end of The Great Fast more reflective, but instead it was full of worldly concerns. And now, on Easter Sunday, Pascha, Resurrection day, I was unable to attend church due to some under the weather children.
BUT, the joy of the day resounds, overshadows every disappointment, and I can say with a joyful heart,
Christ is Risen!
Truly, He is Risen!
He is risen ideed !
The joy of the Feast to you and your family.
I was also unable to attend the Paschal celebrations due to a poorly child; God grant them all a speedy return to health !
Prayers for you all :-)
Christ is Risen!
I hope your children feel better.
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