Reality check

Well, reality check here. I do not have time to meal plan, and come on, no one dies from eating too much pizza anyway. And, my husband is really quite a bit more capable than that, so I trust his judgement, and am leaving the eating up to him. I will shop for the basics so he isn't out of food, but that's all.
Tomorrow is my sweet youngest son's 4th birthday. I smooched him up many times, since this is his last day of being 3. He is also my last son (currently), and just in case there will be no more 3 year old son's in this house, I had to soak him in today.
School scheduling has been accomplished by telling everyone, "Do one lesson per day in each subject. I'll check it when I get home."
Packing? Still have no idea what to bring, or what not to bring.
Laundry? Still mountainous.
Wish I could be a little more profound, but it just isn't in me at this point. Blessings to you all!
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