Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Not much time today. School started yesterday. Wow. This is going to be a busy year. I heard from my son a few times since he's been at his new school. It's "okay". He sounded tired, and I bet he is as the schedule and exercise there are much more vigorous than we had here. We've got a package to mail to him today, and so far, all is well.

Oh, and my favorite pants became too uncomfortable, just yesterday. NOW what am I supposed to wear? I am starting to feel a little better, less gagging and sleeping required. I think I am in week 14, so that is about right.

Sarah Palin: Love her, the rabid nature of the press attacks remind me of when Pope Benedict was elected. Wow. She must be good to garnish that kind of intensity. I have been, and will continue to watch this with great interest. But now, I am finally excited to vote!

Off to do day 2 of school. One day at a time, that is how it is done!



Blogger Mimi said...

Yoga pants. LOVE them, and they came out after my kids were born.

Prayers continue for happy gestating.

September 03, 2008  
Blogger Suzanne said...

Please encourage others to vote for this team...I think the big concern is the young 18 and early 20 yr. olds who have fallen in starry eyed love for Obama. We need to get the voters for Life out there..those that don't want to mess with it or those that need to wake up and making sure the younger pro-life kids really get to those polls. The dems are still working hard to sign people up in front of Borders and places like that around me. Yes, we need to stay on our knees, give a little, and encourage others big time..begging if we must. Its so important, but you already know that. :)

September 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanna borrow my pants? ;o)

September 05, 2008  

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