Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Does anyone else make to do lists? Then forget to write something down that you accomplished, so promptly write it down and cross it off? Or is it just me?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I am purging the classroom this week. It is so freeing to get rid of idealistic products I bought in the past and never used. It is like getting rid of clothes that are too small for me. I am finally learning to deal in reality. There is a small amount of grieving involved when I am real and acknowledge that I am what I am, and not what I have pictured. But once I deal with the real, I can live authentically, not in fairy tale land. I find the real me is just fine, happier, more content, and more grateful. When I was constantly hinging my happiness on future pursuits that I didn't attain, I always felt a little victimized by my life. When I purge all that, I feel I am actually content and fruitful. A much better place to be! It is like my new favorite quote on my sidebar, about being fruitful rather than successful. Works for me!
Friday, July 24, 2009
7 Quick Takes

So the internet is back working. Took weeks to figure out. As it turns out I am a techno idiot, and didn't know when you have DSL you had to have filters on the cordless phones. I purchased a new phone for my room (to keep me from having to dash down to the other side of the house to answer the phone), and didn't connect a filter when I plugged it in. I didn't make the connection that our internet started acting up the same time I got the phone, but many phone calls and a visit from the company got it all sorted out.
Without the internet, we got more done, for certain, but I felt a little helpless. I didn't realize how much I have come to depend on the internet for recipes, looking up phone numbers, directions and other practical things. However, not having to have the kids on the computer and negotiate whose turn it is or listen to the music that they are streaming all the time was a phenomenal relief.
By the way, the program we use to limit the kids time on the computer is "Times up Kidz". They hate it, but it works for us.
So, as I mentioned, school is approaching and I am doing my yearly freak out. My husband reminded me that I only have to make a reasonable decision, put an honest amount of effort into it (regarding curriculum, scheduling etc.) and then really let God assist in the process. He reminded me that it really isn't all up to ME, that God is going to help, and fill in gaps, and take care of them. So now I need to repeat this to myself over and over, and quit thinking that there is some perfect choice for my children, the Holy Grail of Education, so to speak, if I could only find it. I am not Indiana Jones.
I also need to keep reminding myself that the reason we made these choices for our children so far was not to *A* Give them every opportunity for worldly success *B* Get them into Harvard *C* Make sure they have fun or *D* Give them a great social life.
No, we are home educating them to put a filter between them and a toxic culture. I have really toyed with putting some in school this year, because I have so many students now. But I would still be homeschooling some, and dealing with a school for others. It would be like the worst of both worlds. No, I am either going to do all one or all the other. It seems to me the work of getting them all enrolled, and learning an entirely new way of ordering our educational life would be just as much work for me. Admittedly, I could share some of the responsibility for their education with others, but ultimately it is I who am responsible for them.
SO, I feel fairly certain all will be the same around here, just more of it.
My eldest, however, is another story. He won't be returning to the boarding school, barring a complete change of heart and financial status. So his choices are the local Catholic High School, the Local Public High School, or the local Community College, filling in with a few home school classes and a Speech and Debate Club. This decision may be up to my husband, as I change my mind every day. I'll keep anyone who is interested posted =)
We have 2 boy cousins and a girl cousin staying with us for a few days. The boys run around with my 2 boys and a neighbor boy, a veritable gang of boys, carrying sticks and guns and swords, running, whooping, climbing and hiding. The girl cousin and my girls are making a home and school inside, and trying coerce the boys to civilize themselves. This morning, as I was nursing the baby, I heard my seven year old chewing out his 9 year old sister, "While us boys are sleeping, you don't sneak in and clean up our base! That could get you beat up!" She apologized, and said she just wanted to make it nice for them. He said it was nice JUST THE WAY IT WAS! End of story.
My birthday is coming up in a week or so, and I am dying for a haircut and a pedicure. I think I can swing it, since I haven't had a pedicure for a few years, and haven't had a haircut since a month before the baby was born. Happy birthday to me!
I haven't been taking very good care of myself lately. I haven't gotten enough sleep, no exercise, not enough water, I have been eating on the fly, unintentionally, and even the nightly face wash, teeth brushing has suffered. So I am going to make an effort in the last month of summer to get into a good routine of self care, so that I can do whatever this school year asks of me with out dissolving into a puddle of anxiety and exhaustion.
As usual, more 7 Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

SO, now I am getting ready for school. I don't write much about home schooling. As I have said in the past, it is the best thing I have ever hated to do.
This year, I have K, 1st, 3rd, 4th/5th, 8th, 9th, and 11th.
7 students + infant+ homemaking+ driving everyone everywhere+ shopping, cooking, cleaning = a mom with heart palpitations.
In order to stop the heart palpitations, I had a glass (or two) of wine (or whine, depending upon how you look at it), and then ordered all the books I need for the bottom 5 children. I resisted the urge to change programs. I resisted the urge to try something new. I just stuck with what I know, what works, and got 'er done.
Now, for the high schoolers, I am in the process of learning. Freshman girl will probably do Seton. Junior boy is not returning to the boarding school (it was awesome, but is pricey, and he really missed home). So he is enrolled at the local community college, and will supplement with Seton. I actually hate Seton, but it works. Rubs me wrong in every way, but we get it done, they learn, they get good grades, and they have a transcript, so there you go.
I have been homeschooling for 11 years. I hate it. But it works. My other options for the kids,educationally speaking, make me just as anxious as the thought of still homeschooling, only then they are out of my hands, and I am subject to other's authority. So I home school, and someday, I'll look back on all this precious time with my kids, and be glad and rejoice. Until then, I home school, o how I home school (sounds like the matchmaker in Fiddler on the Roof), and carry on.
So, how is the rest of your summer?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Wounded Healer
Just a quick sharing of Henri Nouwen's words of wisdom. Blessings!
The Wounded Healer
Nobody escapes being wounded. We all are wounded people, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The main question is not "How can we hide our wounds?" so we don't have to be embarrassed, but "How can we put our woundedness in the service of others?" When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers.
Jesus is God's wounded healer: through his wounds we are healed. Jesus' suffering and death brought joy and life. His humiliation brought glory; his rejection brought a community of love. As followers of Jesus we can also allow our wounds to bring healing to others.
The Wounded Healer
Nobody escapes being wounded. We all are wounded people, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The main question is not "How can we hide our wounds?" so we don't have to be embarrassed, but "How can we put our woundedness in the service of others?" When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers.
Jesus is God's wounded healer: through his wounds we are healed. Jesus' suffering and death brought joy and life. His humiliation brought glory; his rejection brought a community of love. As followers of Jesus we can also allow our wounds to bring healing to others.
Monday, July 06, 2009
Internet Trouble
Well, my internet connection has been super tenuous lately. I don't know what the problem is, so I don't know when I'll be posting more regularly. As an example, just getting to blogger "new post" screen took 15 minutes. The computer already is a time suck, but this is just ridiculous!
Meanwhile, we have had a hugely busy few weeks, with a 3 day family gathering, my eldest's 16th birthday, baby being cuter and cuter and more social every minute, and my garden getting out of control, and summer school commencing this week. All reasons to avoid the computer, and take this internet connection problem as a nudge to get off my chair and on with my life. Not to mention all the addictive news reading I have done lately, which has led to great bouts of despair and anxiety. Three days without that has been like a breath of fresh air!
So until my internet problem is fixed, and when my "real" life allows the time, I am off line.
Until then,
Toodles, and God Bless!
Meanwhile, we have had a hugely busy few weeks, with a 3 day family gathering, my eldest's 16th birthday, baby being cuter and cuter and more social every minute, and my garden getting out of control, and summer school commencing this week. All reasons to avoid the computer, and take this internet connection problem as a nudge to get off my chair and on with my life. Not to mention all the addictive news reading I have done lately, which has led to great bouts of despair and anxiety. Three days without that has been like a breath of fresh air!
So until my internet problem is fixed, and when my "real" life allows the time, I am off line.
Until then,
Toodles, and God Bless!