Progress... or how to clean your desk in 4 or 5 hours.
Step 2: Fold Laundry.
Step 3: Make Lunch for the smallest 4 kids.
Step 4: Throw away all garbage off the desk.
Step 5: Take all dirty dishes from desk to the kitchen.
Step 6: Clean kitchen.
Step 7: Download CD's found on desk to iTunes.
Step 8: Find the free tunes of the week on iTunes.
Step 9: Decide to empty the trash cans in bedroom, bathroom, nursery, as they are overflowing during desk cleaning.
Step 10: Retrieve trash cans from the curb. Clean them out.
Step 11: Nurse the baby.
Step 12: Check facebook. Exhort fellow mothers to virtue, and to have some whiskey.
Step 13: Read an article on LOST.
Step 14: Take a pile off of the desk to the classroom. Return promptly to the desk!
Step 15: Put away previously folded laundry.
Step 16: Wipe off desk.
Step 17: Take Photo.
Step 18: Post new photo.
My goal was to finish my desk before picking up my son from school. I leave in 1 minute. I live by the premise that a job will expand to fill the time allotted. And so it did.
But, victory, how ever drawn out, is mine!!