Great Prokimenon of Vespers

From Forgiveness Vespers, the beginning of Great Lent:
Hide not your face from Your servant, for I am in distress; answer quickly, answer quickly, come close to my soul, and redeem me.
v. I am poor and in pain, O God; let your power save me.
Hide not your face from Your servant, for I am in distress; answer quickly, answer quickly, come close to my soul, and redeem me.
v. Let the poor see and rejoice. Seek the Lord and your souls shall find life.
Hide not your face from Your servant, for I am in distress; answer quickly, answer quickly, come close to my soul, and redeem me.
Forgive me,brothers and sisters, for the wrongs I have done, in word, or deed, or thought, with all my faculties, with reflection, or out of uncontrolled emotion.
May you have a blessed Lenten Season!
God forgives, and I forgive (not that you have anything to forgive.)
Forgive me, my sister.
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