Tuesday, December 21, 2004

So Cute!!!

Today my two tear old ds is just so cute, I can hardly stand it!! He is wearing a Santa t-shirt, denim overalls, and a khaki baseball hat. He has chubby cheeks, dimpled elbows, a wide, easy smile, and is just learning to talk. "How are you, I'm fine," he says, all in one phrase. I could just eat him up.

I think I am all finished with Chistmas purchasing. It is quite a challenge getting seven children gifts that are not just "stuff to wrap", quality items that I want to have in my house. I can not believe how much junk is out there. I also feel sorry for all the parents I have seen shopping with lists, saying to their spouse, " I don't know what (insert toy name) does, just get it, it's on her list." They have carts full of stuff they don't even know about or want, but are buying out of obligation. I have been earnestly trying to avoid this, and I think I have succeeded. I concentrated on 2 personal gifts each, and lots of group gifts, with a few odds and ends in the stocking. I am boycotting candy canes this year, I just can't stand how sticky everything gets from those. We are having Clementines, buttermints, small craft items and one small toy each. Except the baby, who is getting a pair of cute white tights, with a rose on each ankle. I bought my own gift this year, too, as I hate having my husband spend too much out of desperation on Christmas Eve. He is grateful, and a little sheepish, but if anything, I am eminantly practical.

I bought some more Christmas music today. This is quite possibly me worst weakness this season. I just can't have enough of it. Today's addition is a "Classic " collection with many of the songs and artists I remember listening to when I was little. The Lettermen, Nat King Cole, Perry Como, Englebert Humperdink (my kids thought I TOTALLY made that one up, and I had to prove it to them that is his real name. As fans of "Princess Bride", they all said with enthusiasm, "HUMPERDINK, HUMPERDINK, HIMPERDINK).

Today has been relaxed and pleasant, and I am starting to understand it takes me about a week off of school to relax. I have stopped thinking of all the things I want to change next semester and am just enjoying the kids, the house, and the season. God Bless Us, everyone!!


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