Friday, November 03, 2006

The week is up!

Well, I did it. One week off, and I must say it was good for me. The first day, I was truly concerned I had an addiction. I kept having nearly unstoppable urges to check the computer. But I resisted. That evening, I bypassed the room with the computer, and went straight to bed. I was dismayed by the frequency of my urges to go to the computer.

The second day, I had fewer urges, although I did check my e-mail. Then I got busy around the house, and pretty much just forgot about it. Evening time was rough, but I managed to avoid the computer, and had a delightful conversation with some of my older children, and then later, when my husband got home, I had a nice chat with him, as well. He even said, "Wow, it's nice to see you. Is the internet down?" Ooops.

The third day I checked my e-mail, turned the computer off, and didn't think of it again.

Same with the fourth, and the fifth.

Last night, I checked a few of my regular blogs, but after 15 minutes was tired and ready to go to bed.

How many times did things occur to me that would be "bloggable"? About 123489573895. Do I remember any of them? Nope.

Am I still going to blog? Absolutely.

But I have a new vision of why I blog, and when to blog, and how to balance things out around my real life.

I missed my friends here, to be certain. I missed the creative process of writing, editing, and adding graphics.

I have things I am anxious to share. But if the easy escape of blogging begins to overtake my duties and dimish my joy in my "real" life, another fast will ensue.

And here is a graphic describing my children after 4 days of gorging themselves on Halloween candy.

Blessings to you all, and I'll be back!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! THAT is funny! (Sick pumpkin!)
I am needing to do what you did. Did you read more during your fast...books, I mean. I realize you spent more time with family and that sort of thing, but when that died down, did you fill your time with something different and yet still good for you? I know I am addicted. There is no doubt, but I don't like TV, I don't want to clean house like a Type A personality, and I don't want to be tempted too much, so I know besides more prayer time and a little more talkin time to family...I need to be doing something to fill up these moments...I am doing so much better, but I still feel that I am too dependent on this electronic thing and I want my family to see me "free" from it more often. Any suggestions?

November 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you! *Hugs-a-bunch*

Cute pumpkin... *Blech*

November 03, 2006  
Blogger ukok said...

I'm glad it did you good to have a blog-fast, it's done me good in the past, though I stayed away for a couple of months at one point!

Good to have you back though ;-)

November 03, 2006  
Blogger Suzanne Temple said...

Welcome back.

November 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to hear about your week! Sounds like it was lovely.

November 04, 2006  

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