Friday, December 14, 2007

Three years ago...

...I decided to just do it, already, and start a blog. Who cares if the name isn't perfect, or if my user name isn't clever and perfect. A detail like that could have hung me up for months, but that day, I just said, "Self, get over yourself" and dove in.

So I have a yearly bleg from my readers. As I have mentioned before, I do not have a stat counter or any other sort of high tech thingy to tell me how many people visit here. So today, just once a year, I ask if you could please leave a little comment, a simple hello, hi, good day, or whatever, so I can get a whole bunch of affirmation. =) I will be reconstructing my blog roll soon, and this would also give me a terrific place to begin compiling the list.

It's funny, when I started blogging, I thought I was late to the party and was joining the company of many established blogs. But now I notice three year anniversary posts around and realized many of us started at the same time.

Blogging has been a marvelous, fun, enlightening, and endearing activity. I was thinking of all the people that have gone, like Akeya, Mere's mom, M'lynn, and Philothea Rose (who was my first commenter), a lady in Las Vegas, Suz, and others. That is one of the hardest parts of blogging. People just disappear. But, the input and encouragement from everyone, those that have left the blogoshpere, and those who visit and comment currently, have assisted me greatly in my quest to become a better woman.

The pitfalls? Time gobbled up if I am not careful, the feeling of pouring out my soul, and getting minimal feedback, or wondering if all this desire for being noticed and befriended is even healthy.

The benefits for me have been that I have met some wonderful, lovely people, have made friendships I believe will last long after blogging is finished, and the daily encouragement to be better, love more, live fully. As a counter-cultural family, I appreciate the ability to see and know I am not alone in they way I am trying to live out my vocation. I appreciate that more that you will ever know.

So, again, please drop me a note. In honor of the occasion I will turn off the annoying little letter thingy (comment verification) for a while.

Does anyone know, or care to guess how I chose the name Mary Poppins NOT? There might be a prize involved.

***UPDATE*** Thank you, guys! Sorry I've been absent, but my internet is spotty. Once we get it fixed, I'll be back more regularly.
(photo credit: my brother took this picture at my last birthday)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never left a comment before, but I felt compelled to do it today! I came across your blog by random chance a few months ago, and it's become a "regular stop" for me ever since. You've lifted me up & inspired me more times than I can count.
Thank you, and blessings to you!

December 14, 2007  
Blogger Simple Faith and Life said...

Your blog is always one of the first ones I check at my Bloglines and usually click through to the actual blog. Thanks for sharing of yourself!

Love and God bless you,
Margaret Mary

December 14, 2007  
Blogger Hope said...

Happy, happy anniversary!!Our blog anniversaries are less than a week apart. I don't remember how I came across your blog but I do know how much I appreciate your honesty and it keeps me coming back. Your little snippets of your children's lives touch me, too. Thank you for being you. I am always glad to see a new post from you on my bloglines.

December 14, 2007  
Blogger Essy said...

Hi there!I haven't commented much lately but I still do keep up with you through Google Reader. Happy Anniversary!

December 14, 2007  
Blogger Mimi said...

I love your Blog, and so appreciate you inviting me in to your corner of the world.

Happy Blogoversary!

December 14, 2007  
Blogger Amy said...

Happy blogaversary! I'm so glad you decided to start a blog three years ago! :)

December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! Your blog helps ME to not feel alone! Since I know how you feel about housework and your Flylady days, I would guess that has something to do with MP NOT.:) Love you! ~Heidi

PS. I just sent a box off to you all today.

December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember you doing this last year, and I don't remember if I responded then or not. But, I can't believe a whole year's gone by since!

So, Happy Blogiversary! I stop by every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Thanks for having the courage to share your innermost musings and feelings. I also love the daily life snippets. They make the physical distance between us more bearable. :)

Love, A

December 14, 2007  
Blogger erin said...

Happy blogiversary! I read every day, course.

December 14, 2007  
Blogger Michelle said...

happy blogoversary!!!

December 14, 2007  
Blogger Ginger said...

Happy Blogaversary, Mary Poppins Not! I started about three weeks after you did, three years ago, and I'm still here, still reading your blog (have you on bloglines). I don't have time to comment much, but want you to know you're appreciated. I recognize your "pitfalls" concerns as the same ones I've had. This had been, however and overall, a blessing in life. Keep on blogging, sister!

December 14, 2007  
Blogger Matt said...


I'm glad you didn't wait to start. I'm only sorry I've only been around for a year.

Here's to many more to come!


December 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Butterfly I never comment, but drop by daily, when you take a break I feel as if Im missing something since it is now part of my daily routine. I found your blog through June Cleaver after a six pack. Thanks for blogging, and Happy Anniversary.

Anna :)

December 15, 2007  
Blogger Kate said...

When I started blogging, almost three years ago, I thought of you as a seasoned blogger and was grateful for the attention you paid my little blogspot. I didn't realize at the time that you'd only been at this a few weeks longer than I had! I wish I had more to say these days, but I am continually gratified and comforted to find you still out there, still posting. I know we'll meet in person someday.

December 15, 2007  
Blogger Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Happy Blogoversary !!!

It is so easy to get discouraged and think we are the only ones trying to live a Christian life; Blogging is a great means of mutual support and encouragement.

Blessings to your family as we approach the end of the Ntaivity fast, and have a happy and blessed Christmas :-)

December 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Renee!

Beautiful picture! Happy Blogaversary! :o)

I have no idea how long I've been blogging. I do know that yours was one of the first blogs I encountered and commented upon. So glad we "met."

Sending much love! :o)

Does Mary Poppins NOT have anything to do with a spoonful of sugar NOT helping the medicine go down? LOL

December 15, 2007  
Blogger rita said...

Hello Renee, I love your blog. You have such insight as a woman of God. I look to your wisdom as a mom and wife and friend. Mostly, I am blessed by your frankness. Thank you for not getting hung up on perfection. After all, it is the imperfect you that is so lovely and attractive. God bless and keep blogging.
Mary Poppins NOT- because your children were watching another round of this endearing movie and you, in your sweet humor, thought "I am Mary Poppins- NOT!"

December 15, 2007  
Blogger Entropy said...

I've forgotten how I found your blog but I love your honesty and your love for God! I don't comment much because sometimes it's hard to know what to say (for me) when people put it all out there...I guess I feel like it's better to say nothing at all than to say the wrong thing (or in the wrong way!).

I'm glad you're here!

December 16, 2007  
Blogger Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Well, hello from Mama Says!

My bloglines claims you have 24 subscribers there as well.

December 17, 2007  
Blogger Stina said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!

Thank you for sharing your life with us out here in the blogosphere. I'm a relatively new blogger and I appreciate today's post as I share a lot of the same concerns. Please keep up the great job!!!

December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary, Renee! You know me - I'm always here - hidden or not...

I probably started my first blog about 3 years ago - I've had probably more than 100, but 101 is where I'm at now.

for now.

Love your picture!

December 17, 2007  
Blogger Allison said...

3's a charm! Happy anniversary!

December 17, 2007  
Blogger Trena said...

I stumbled across your blog today. I just started blogging last month and thought I was "behind." Glad to hear other people feel that way too. Happy Anniversary!

December 17, 2007  
Blogger Kristen Laurence said...

Happy blogiversary! I so enjoy my visits here, though I often do not comment. And may I say, I am in awe of your iconography!

December 17, 2007  
Blogger ukok said...


I'm always late to the party!

Belated Anniversary greeting to you my dear friend. It's been a real delight to share these last 3 years in cyberspace with you. I've appreciated and greatly enjoyed your insightfulness, your compassion, your spiritual tenacity, your talents in praying icons, your devotion to your family...ahhh the list could truly go on and on and on...but I'll stop there because I have somehting still to say....

...there are only a handful of blog buddies I'd genuinely choose to have as real life best friends, and let me tell you Renee, you are definately one of them.

Keep doing what you're doing for as long as you want to do it, because you enrich the lives of more people than you know.

(((BIG HUGS!)))

Deb X

December 18, 2007  
Blogger Jennifer in TX said...

I love your blog and have been visiting it regularly since I found it about a year ago! It is a joy to read a blog of an Easter Rite Catholic as I have a real love of the Eastern rite myself...God bless you and Happy Blogoversary!

December 18, 2007  
Blogger Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...


We *met* this past fall through the local goings on at the PP clinic. I am happy to see that once again, God can always bring good from the bad.

Happy Blog-versary!


December 19, 2007  
Blogger Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

Glad you are still blogging after 3 years because this is one of my favorite stops :)

December 19, 2007  
Blogger MKHKKH said...

I am a new blogger and found you on June Cleaver after a 6 pack's blog roll. I have read through your last few post and think I will be coming back. Seems like you are a kindred spirit. Congrats on 3 years! I have been at it less than a year and hope to be celebrating a 3 year anniversary one day!
Merry Christmas to you and yours.

December 19, 2007  
Blogger Maryellen said...

What a great idea to celebrate your blog Anniversary, and invite all visitors to comment. I'll use your idea next month when it will be my 2nd Anniversary on the blogosphere.

I can't remember how long I've been following you. My memory is so bad I have to subscribe to RSS just to remember who my online friends are!

I admire your dedication to your vocation of Motherhood. Your honesty is refreshing. I'm glad you're sharing your Faith and your Life and Times.

December 19, 2007  
Blogger Laura said...

Just visited for the first time..very enjoyable reading here.
Hey- Merry Chirstmas!!!

December 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi MPN! I've had computer problems, so I missed your anniversary, but I still wanted to drop you a line. I love your blog! Have a merry Christmas (I can't believe Advent is almost over already!)

December 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MPN...I'm glad that even though I am not blogging at the moment, I am welcome here! God bless you and keep enjoying your friendships here..I too have met some of the best women in the world on these pages. These blogs are the best part of the internet world. Sorry much more isn't such a blessing, but boy am I glad for sisters in Christ like you.
I love your icons so much...they are so inspiring. It is good to see you have a precious smile!

December 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to be late! My life is crazy, but I love your blog.....

December 31, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to be late, too Renee...was in the States on vacation and now am back to sunny (today at least) Italy. I want to wish you a happy, peaceful and prosperous new year. I saw your comment at Owen's place and I got a little worried. Hope everything is ok.

January 13, 2008  
Blogger ~pen~ said...

i am TREMENDOUSLY late to the party, but am just catching up through bloglines :)

you continue to be one of the sweetest, kindest souls i've encountered on the internet and are a blessing to me. i might be late in saying so, but dangit, i am sincere :)


January 13, 2008  

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