Saturday, January 10, 2009

And he's off...

One last shot of them all together, until Easter.


Blogger owenswain said...

Trying hard to look happy.

January 10, 2009  
Blogger Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

Awww, they all look a little sad. Or are they just sleepy? And that cast looks awfully CLEAN. Is he saving the space for his school friends to sign? With so many in the house, you'd think it would be full up already.

January 10, 2009  
Blogger Renee said...

They were both sad AND sleepy. Especially my eldest daughter, top right. She really misses her brother when he is gone.

My son has a soft cast, so it will expand and contract with the arm and keep constant pressure on the area of the fracture. It is two fiberglass pieces held in place with a few ace wraps. So while there are no signatures on the cast, it really isn't very clean =)

January 11, 2009  
Blogger Mimi said...

Oooh, your kids are lovely, but your daughter does look veyr sad.

And, just think, at Easter, there will be another in the family!

January 11, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


January 13, 2009  

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