Thursday, January 22, 2009

March for Life, '09

I just saw this photo from my friend's Facebook page ~ I was hoping they would run into my son, and apparently they did. I saw some of the boys from my son's school juggling during the coverage of the March on EWTN. One of the best parts of the rally before the march was the Orthodox Metropolitan Jonah. He had the entire crowd responding to his "Praise be Jesus Christ" with "Praise Him Forever" in a mere 20 second lesson. His speech and his call to action were inspiring. There were many good speakers there, and the crowd was huge and very very young. It gives me great hope for the future of the Pro-life movement to see such youth, such sincerity, and to hear their message presented with such charity. Many many calls to prayer for our new president.

Anyway, my heart jumped a little when I saw the photo of my son, so I thought I would share.



Blogger Mimi said...


I really like Metropolitan Jonah. I've met him, he's a seminary friend of my priest's.

January 22, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome. You must be so proud.


January 23, 2009  
Blogger Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

You must be very proud of your fine son. God bless him !

January 23, 2009  
Blogger Pilgrims9 said...

It was great to hear the crowd respond to Metropolitan Jonah's "Glory to Jesus Christ!" with "Glory forever!" The ByzanTeen group had a beautiful banner at the March for Life depicting the Visitation with an in-the-womb Christ blessing an in-the-womb St. John the Baptist. Prayers for you & baby! ~ Patricia J.

January 26, 2009  

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