Friday, April 24, 2009

7 Quick Takes Friday

7 Quick Takes Friday, and I'll try to get seven things, but I am not certain I have that much to say.


I joined Flylady again. The postpartum fuzzy headedness has reared its ugly head, and I spin in circles all day. So now I am dressed to shoes, have a shiny sink, and spent 15 minutes decluttering. Like a breath of fresh air~


I am already discouraged by my flower beds. I have a few aggressive plants that are taking over, and I can not get them out. Roundup? That may be my next step. I also need a truck load of mulch, before the weeds and grass take over. I also see an abundance of garlic mustard, a weed straight from satan himself. And blackberry vines have infiltrated my flower beds, so they need to be dug out. I can not seem to kill those things. Ah, the perennial struggle between virtue and vice. That is what gardening is like to me. Exhausting, but rewarding and ultimately quite lovely.


I heard my house wrens today for the first time, just outside my bedroom window. They are so delightful, and I have a few birdhouses just for them (tiny little openings). I will now be awakened by them every morning, and there is no more cheerful way to wake up, except maybe with a darling baby face.


Speaking of waking up, I usually wake up just moments before Melanie does, which I think is a lovely reminder of how in sync we are. She is five weeks old already, and while it seems as if she was just born, she seems to have always been here.


I bought red geraniums yesterday to put in all my empty pots around my house. It is a little early, but maybe by getting a good start, they will get really big. I have them up against the brick house, so they stay a little warmer, since it could still get chilly at night. As the weather warms, I'll move them out where they go. Maybe I'll bring one or two in the house for a little while. They are so very cheerful.

I found some lovely summer dresses and skirts for my middle two daughters this week at the thrift store. I also got myself a few summer skirts that fit, and now feel ready for the warm weather. It felt terrific to pack away the sweaters and dark colors~


A friend of ours brought us a wild turkey he had shot yesterday. Very fresh, but was only field dressed (meaning it had its head, feathers, feet etc. still). My middle five children spent a few hours plucking it and then my 13 year old daughter finished getting it cleaned up by cutting off its head, feet, tail and wings. Turkeys have beautiful feathers, but really ugly heads and feet. I really am delighted I didn't have to do any of the cleaning myself. Now it is all ready to get stuffed and baked for tomorrow's dinner. Wild turkey is so much more juicy and flavorful than farm raised. We are really looking forward to that!

well, I managed to fill up seven things! I am off now to engage this lovely, lovey day! Blessings!


Blogger rita said...

very good!
your melanie is a beauty!
GOD bless!

April 24, 2009  
Blogger Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Melanie is utterly gorgeous :-)

The turkey sounds wonderful too !

April 24, 2009  
Blogger Mimi said...

That photo is fantastic!

I need to do the clothes rotation as well.

April 25, 2009  
Blogger Mimi said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

April 25, 2009  
Blogger Mother Mayhem said...

Sending sugars to Melanie! :o)

Trying definitely NOT to think of ugly turkey feet...

Haven't been feeling well. Please pray?

April 27, 2009  

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