Suzanne asked me:
"Did you read more during your fast...books, I mean. I realize you spent more time with family and that sort of thing, but when that died down, did you fill your time with something different and yet still good for you?"in regards to my week off blogging.
The first day, when I was struggling to avoid the computer, I have to admit I did turn on Dr. Phil. WHAT A WASTE!! Blogging would have been a much better use of my time. But I wanted a break, and didn't know what do do for one.
The next day I broke out some of the books I have been picking up at the thrift store. I have a habit of always looking through the books when I am there, and picking up interesting looking titles. If it turns out that they aren't interesting, I usually give them back to the thrift store. If they are awful, I throw them away.
So, on Day 2 I began to read "North to the Orient" by Anne Morrow Lindburgh. Very enjoyable book.
I took time in the mornings during the fast to light my delicious candle, making my entire house smell wonderful, I made tea a few time through the day and snuggled up with my book. Normally I would have blogged during that time.
In the evening, I did clean out a random closet or drawer, and took the time to make decisions about some of the items cluttering up my life.
I also talked to my husband quite a bit more, which was nice. He didn't feel he was pulling my attention away from anything, so even though I would always prefer spending time with him that on the computer, he didn't feel as if he was competing with anything. Now, he is gone quite a bit, so I should have ample time to blog when he isn't home (like now).
I went to the thrift store and spent 80 dollars on a complete winter wardrobe. LOVE the thrift store. I also bought the following books:
Curtain by Agatha Christie
My Antonia by Willa Cather
In This House of Brede by Rumer Godden
The House of Seven Gables by Nataniel Hawthorne
Fit or Fat? by Covert Bailey
Clare Boothe Luce by Wilfrid Sheed
A Women's Guide to a Simpler Life by Andre Van Steenhouse
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table by Sidney Lanier
Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew
Spider's Web by Agatha Christie
Private Lives of Garden Birds by Calvin Simonds
A World of Good Cooking, OR How to fit Five Continents into an Amerian Kitchen by Ethel Hulbert Renwick
WHEW! I am in mortal danger of my books falling on me as I sleep, the pile is so tall and precariously perched. Not to mention, there already was a stack there to begin with.
I also completed setting up my little work out area in the basement. This fall I bought a second-hand treadmill, as well as some hand and legweights, and had not made the area nice down there yet. I was walking outside as long as the weather held, but lately it has been too unpredictable to count on. So, now the basement is set up with a rug, a chair, a duffle bag with all my weights, water bottles, a fan, a TV/VCR combo, and of course, my treadmill and a free Nordick Trak. And yes, I have actually used it down there, although I am still mixing it up with walking outside. My goal is 6 times a week, and I am currently doing 3 days consistantly.
So, Suzanne, there you go. I did need the fast to remind myself of all the worthwhile things my heart is longing for, and that there is just enough time for all the things that are important to me, if I choose to use my time for them.
I also determined that blogging is important to me, but too easy of a default when I didn't feel like expending any energy in other things. The more I took the easy way out, the less inclined I was to do anything else. So a little perspective was good for me.
Speaking of books, I also just got
Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body by John Paul II. It is a new translation by Michael Waldstein, and is supposed to be much better than the original translations. I am looking forward to digesting this and learning much.
My Catherine Doherty reading is waiting now on a new book I ordered, so that will be also something I am looking forward to sharing with you all.
Add this to homemaking, church going, icon painting, homeschooling, parenting, cooking, shopping, etc, and my next real challenge is setting aside QUIET time for prayer and reflection. Currently this is spotty, and I would like to increase it to at least 5 minutes
every day. Five minutes doesn't seem like much, but for me it is a place to begin, and once I get the
every day part down, I'll increase the minutes.
Okay, gotta run. That was a very LONG answer to a straight forward question, I apologize. Guess there was lots on my mind.
Blessings for a peaceful rest of the weekend to you all!