7 Quick Takes, Purging Edition

Today's 7 Quick Takes will be a purging edition. 40 Bags in 40 days wrap up, so to speak.
1. I have gotten rid of way more that 40 bags so far. And I have so many more places to attack yet. A dumpster is in order for things like the garage, shed, basement and attic. But the closets are getting there, the bookshelves aren't as crammed, and there is a substantial decrease in garbage. I can not believe how much garbage I had laying around. Papers, mostly, but lots of toys, broken things that I was going to fix "someday". The linen closet merited 4 bags to the thrift store and 2 to the trash.
2. Things I am having difficulty purging:
- a. Drawing from little kids that are now big, especially if they have a heart on it, and say, "I Love You, Mom".
- b. Drawings from little kids that will be big soon enough, especially if they have a heart on it, and say, "I Love You, Mom".
- c. baby teeth (??!?!?!)
- d. My birth giving clothes ( I always bring my own to the hospital)
- e. A dress my grandma gave me when I was 16.
- f. Baby comforter one of my kids used that is threadbare.
- g. Cookbooks
- h. Lofty, intellectual books I will likely never read
- i. Spiritual classics that I will likely never read, but should
- j. Baby shoes
- k. Lots of "How to Clean Your Entire House in No Time What- so -Ever and Keep it That Way" articles that I have printed out and put in a pile.
- l. Exercise clothes I haven't worn since before I was expecting Melanie
- m. Art Supplies
- n. CDs that I have had "for a long time"
- o. Items I spent too much money on but never used
- p. Letters and cards I have received from people
3. I see a trend. Holding on the the past, gripping it with clenched fingers.
4. and dreams for what I might do with myself if I was only
- thinner
- more organized
- using my time more wisely
- more holy
- more intelligent
- more energetic
6. I must repeat to myself every time I make purging decisions that God Will Provide, and it isn't a sin to get rid of something you might need later.
7. Finally, I need to get rid of the things that I have kept or bought so I can be like someone else that I am envious of. I never knew that about myself, but I see it is true. I need to rest and work in my own gifts and talents, and appreciate others' gifts and talents without coveting them. Wow. Now THAT would be freedom!!
More Quick Takes at Jen's