It's all good

Just popping in to relay the simply delicious day we are having here. Everyone except the oldest (because he's to old) and the youngest (because she loves dressing herself now) is still in their new Christmas jammies. Yes, even me. They are the comfiest jammies I have ever had. It is softly snowing large, tree-clinging snow flakes, and everything is white and pretty. We are having copious amounts of tea and cookies, cranberry bread and coffee. I am reading a new book I got for Christmas, and am listening to my new favorite music (Gypsy Soul, highly recommended).
So how is your fourth day of Christmas? (My third day of Christmas was terrific, too. Feast of St. Stephen with Liturgy and a huge breakfast afterward with my brother, Stephen, my husband and some other terrific friends). Come to think of it, my second day of Christmas was nice, too, with 40 degree weather and a very restorative long walk with my sister-in-law.
Of course Christmas day itself was great, but busy, tiring and stressful. Now that all the gifting is over and the buying and decision making about how much and to whom, I am a new woman.
Our Christmas was bountiful with great expressions of love, both Divine and between my church family and my biological family. It's all been good!