In the last month or so I have come across 3 different people who gave me a blogger reflection award.
Blogger Reflection Award: this award should make an individual reflect on five bloggers who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and who provided a Godly example. In other words, five dear bloggers who, when you reflect upon them, you are filled with a sense of pride and joy of knowing them and being blessed by them.
Renee at Crazyacres surely has to be amongst the nominees for being a blogger who inspires and encourages. A busy wife and homeschooling mother, Renee is a talented iconographer and also teaches students how to write icons. An Eastern Rite Catholic, she gifts me immensely with her beautiful posts of the rich liturgy of the church, on her iconography and her family life. I read Renee’s blog long before I commmented there and I secretly had the hope that she would connect with me in some way as I had always enjoyed her insightful and deeply resonating reflections . I was delighted when she began reading my blog and we soon developed a rapport that I greatly value.
Amy Caroline:
Mary Poppins Not at Crazy Acres
I can’t even remember how I first came across her blog. Her iconography amazes me. Her pure spirit and faith, her willingness to take on the job of prayer warrior without even being asked, her tender and loving spirit are all inspiration.
Margaret Mary:
Crazy Acres, the blog of my dear old friend, “Mary Poppins Not”, who is really my dear younger friend, as I knew her when she was a child (and I was already an adult). I was so happy to find her on the internet recently. MPN shares about her faith, her family, and her iconography. She has been an example to me as a blogger in sharing from the heart rather than just from the mind.
Well, thank you guys. I can't say this doesn't mean something to me. Very very kind of you.
Well, my job will now be to pass this on to 5 others. That is the difficult part, because it is the people I have come to know here on the blogosphere that keep me blogging. So many times I am convinced I have nothing else to add to the great conversations, but the thought of not engaging you all regularly is too much to consider. So choosing only 5 will be difficult, and in no way belittles the ones I didn't choose. I just have to go with the people that have had the most impact on ME. So in a way this is a big thank you to these five, but I would really like to thank everyone who visits here and especially those that leave comments. I'll say it again, I have no stat counter or anything, so the only way I know who visits are those that leave a note. Anyway. I digress.
Of course the obvious choices would be the 3 who nominated me. I love each of their blogs and have been enriched very much from their different perspectives and talents. But in an interest of spreading the love, I will choose 5 others.
First, there is
Owen. He dislikes contests and awards, but I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to him for his open, loving heart and encouraging presence. Consider yourself exempted from passing this on if you choose, Owen.
He is a husband, father, artist, child of God, and a prayer warrior. I have come to understand my own desires to create, my unfortunate ability to hide from God and how to let Him assist me to over come that bad habit, as well as having new appreciation for my own dear husband and his burdens as father and provider. Owen has suffered with grace and openness, and given me so much more courage to endure my own crosses. Thank you, Owen!
Famous as she is, my next choice is
Danielle Bean. Danielle always helps me appreciate my life and my motherhood. She sees joy is so many small moments that I might otherwise pass by. She has helped me develop a habit of seeing the beauty in an ordinary day, and to embrace the moment with love. Thank you, Danielle.
Then there is
Suzanne. She is an artist, mom, and all around ray of sunshine. Always positive, even in dark times. Again, the ability to pull grace out of sadness, love out of fear and joy out of the ordinary has enriched me very much. Thank you, Suzanne.
Another lady I have read for a long time, but never commented so I don't think she even knows who I am is Rae from
Journey Mama. Beautiful, loving writer who also has a lovely ability to find comfort in the common moments of each day. She has a huge heart and freely shares the unique life she is living. Thank you.
And lastly,
Ginger, the Joyful Woman, has given me so much richness to enliven the way I look at things. Her wisdom and wit and beautiful photography and reflections are something I look forward to. It was Ginger who got me hiking, because of her photos. I now see beauty much more frequently, because of her.
Feel free to pass these on if you choose, and any of you readers who want to spontaneously nominate someone, please do. It was really difficult to choose 5, and I think that is why Owen dislikes this sort of thing. I can't say I blame him for that, but, I did my best, and when I get my blog list done in my sidebar, you can be assured that each one of those bloggers have enriched and gifted me.
Have a blessed day!
Labels: blog buddies, Life is beautiful, matters of the heart