Quick Take Friday

So, it's Friday again, and I'll attempt to come up with that many tidbits. Once again, check out Jen at Conversion Diary for more!
I have a twelve year old daughter that likes to cook. This week she has made a banana cream pie, french toast with maple cinnamon Greek yogurt (that she strained herself) and caramelized peaches, and a chicken pot pie, heaped full of crunchy tender veggies and perfectly tender chicken. She is a natural!
I have a 14 year old daughter that likes to keep things clean and organized. She can sweep into a dirty kitchen and have it put to rights in twenty minutes. She can get the little kids to get their work done quickly and without even raising her voice (much).
With those two put together, I ought to be able to enjoy a really nice, relaxing babymoon when the time comes. That will be a new experience for me, as the last time I had a baby, they were only 9 and 7. My eight year old daughter is knitting the baby a blanket, and the 12 year old is crocheting her a hooded blanket. This will be one tended to baby!
I have a midwife appointment today, and every week here after. I can not believe we are to this point already. New name survey:
Christine Anastasia
Lily Anastasia
Lydia Pauline
Any bets on what the concern will be at the midwife's office today? Baby too small? Baby too big? Too much weight gain? Not enough weight gain? It's always something. I feel terrific, though, and just shake my head and smile.
St. Paraskeva's did begin again last night, but I didn't take any photos as everyone is still working on the icons already photographed. It was mostly about getting in the swing of it again, and making some post baby plans about what to do next. I amy not be able to work on any icons myself for a while, but I plan on keeping on assisting others in their iconography journey. We'll see.
Here are 25 things about me I had to do for Facebook, so I'll copy and paste them here.
1. I cannot keep my desk clean for more than a day. Ever. No matter how hard I try.
2. Cobalt blue is my favorite color
3. I should never have gotten pets
4. I love wind chimes
5. I love putting colored glass in window panes and on window sills
6. I would love to play the bass, if I had a next life to learn how
7. I would also like to play the cello. Do music lessons come free in heaven?
8. Candles, incense and icons can change the world
9. I love my houseplants. All seven of them. I have never kept plants alive this long, and now I am attached.
10. I like to put odd little figurines in my houseplants. Like little faire gardens
11. My attention span is getting very, very short the more time I spend on the computer
12. I am getting addicted to Drudge Report, and have to go cold turkey, tomorrow.
13. I wish I was a better photographer. I want to have a really good photo of my new baby when she is born.
14. It seems strange to me to have 3 teenagers. And a new baby coming soon. and 4 other children in between.
15. I love thrift stores. But then you already knew that
16. I could be alone for hours every day and not get lonely. I used to live alone, with my cats, books and paints. By the time I have adjusted to the number of people in my house, they are all going to be grown and gone, and then I'll have to get used to being in a quiet house again.
17. I love grocery shopping. So full of potential.
18. I love to cook. I just hate having to do it every. single. day.
19. It is really thrilling to see my kids get older. They are so interesting and unique.
20. Homeschooling is the best thing I ever hated to do.
21. I don't care how vain it is, I have always wished I was a "thin" person. And I never have been. Sturdy is a good word for me.
22. I want to be just odd enough to catch people's attention, but not so odd as to inspire their sympathy.
23. I have too much stuff, and am terrible at all the decision making I have to do to reduce.
24. I am looking forward to my garden coming back to life this spring, and to see if any of the 400 bulbs I planted in the fall will come up.
25. I still can't quite picture what it'll be like around here with a new baby.
(Austrian crystal hanging in my window with the sun shining through it. Notice the wind chimes in the background)
That's all folks! Have a great weekend!!